Dr Mpati A. Ramatsoku
My main interest is atomic hydrogen (HI) in and around galaxies since it is the main ingredient for forming stars and is a sensitive tracer of different environmental processes. I use HI observations to understand the formation and evolution of galaxies, specifically to address the question of how and why star-forming spiral galaxies get transformed into passively evolving early-type galaxies, and how much of these processes are affected by the environment in which galaxies reside. On larger scales, I am interested in the application of multi-wavelength observations to study the dynamics of large-scale structures in the local Universe and the architecture of galaxy clusters.
Fields of interest
- Galaxy Evolution: Nature and Nurture
- Gas Stripping in Cluster Galaxies: Observations
- "Jellyfish" Galaxies: Extreme Cases of Ram-Pressure Stripping of Cold Gas in Galaxies by the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM)
- Radio Galaxies: Emitting Large Amounts of Radio Energy
- Large-Scale Structures and Cosmology
- Galaxy Filaments, Clusters, and Groups
- Substructures Within Clusters
- Cosmic Flow Fields